Papayas seem to really be taking over in the world of natural health and veganism! These fleshy fruits have been circling on my feeds for a couple of months now, sparking my interest in their benefits and what I can create with papayas. The climate is starting to warm up in Switzerland as we are heading out of winter time, and this past week there has been an abundance of tropical fruit in the grocery stores! So, you could imagine my excitement when papayas hit the grocery store for the first time in 2019.
Although, I find it kind of funny that I don't recall what papayas taste like. I used to eat papayas as a little girl at my grandma's because she loves them and they are native to her hometown in the Philippines. Unfortunately, this week I realized that I do not really enjoy the taste of the papaya alone, which is something I cannot tell my Filipino grandma.
Due to this, I found it a perfect opportunity to utilize my ingredients from home and construct my own homemade face mask! Face masks are actually quite simple and do not require many ingredients. Most ingredients are highly versatile too, if you want to personalize your mask even more! All that is needed is a base, add-in, and a liquid. You are more than welcome to substitute the liquid for this face mask (honey), for something such as, Rose water, Aloe Vera, distilled water, etc.
• Half a crushed papaya (base)
• 1 tbsp Lemon juice (add-in)
• 3 tbsp honey (liquid)
- Mix all ingredients into a small bowl
- Apply on face, leave on for 10-15 minutes
- Rinse off with warm water
Benefits of Applying Ingredients to Face:
1) Papaya
• Rich in Vitamin A --> rejuvenates and nourishes skin cells
• Contains enzymes (protoeolytic enzyme papain) which is good for treating acne
• High amounts of antioxidants reduce aging and damage from sun
• Soothes sensitive skin and burns
• Reduces unwanted hair, dead skin cells, and inactive proteins
2) Lemon
• Contains antioxidants, astringent, and antibacterial properties
• High in Vitamin C --> brightens skin
• Inhibits collagen production and tightens the face
• Reduces breakouts and acne
• Exfoliates skin and removes dead skin cells
• Removes excess oils
• Removes dark spots
3) Honey
• Contains antioxidants, antiseptic, and antibacterial qualities
• Gently opens pours and rids blackheads
• Cleans dirt, oils, and impurities
• Hydrates skin
• Aids skin tone and creates a "glow"
Something I really love about creating my own face masks is that I know exactly what is going on my face. Of all precious skin on my body, I find that I am extra protective of my face and what ingredients touch it. Scientific names and compounds that are found in the ingredient list of expensive,"natural" skincare products can be really confusing to unpack if you are not familiar. There are also lots of ingredients like sulfates and parabens incoporated in many products because they create a better consistency or longer shelf life. Because of this, I found myself really loving the ability to use simple ingredients to create something from home that leaves a lasting impression.
Since these ingredients are completely natural and also versatile, I feel more comfortable in general spending more on higher quality products, like Organic Honey and Papaya in their raw forms. Although the consistency of my face mask was a little more liquid than I would have liked, I feel better just knowing that there isn't any harmful ingredients going in my skin. It sort of felt like I was putting baby food on my face, but after rinsing it off, my skin was so smooth and silky. It felt tight and fully replenished with nutrients and vitamins. The best word I would use to describe my experience with this papaya face mask is "fresh".
After this really short process of making the mask, I understood how simple it really is to make food for my skin. This is an essential idea that others should grasp. It can be really easy to create and make some items, and I think sometimes people allow the fear that creating is "hard" to overpower their will to make and create. I believe this is an integral part of shifting consumerism, to go the extra mile and understand that the "extra mile" is not much further than the destination (in many cases). Through this face mask, I had the opportunity to go a little further for myself and to create an experience that I benefitted from! So, thank you, papayas!