Headaches are a common ailment amongst the collective. There is a lot of bustling activities, things going on, mind chatter, work, family, and more for our heads to store and contain these aspects of our daily human lives.
Other than calming the mind through meditation, yoga practices, or conscious breathing, some people like to have something tangible to aid their ache. Instead of resorting to the ordinary Aspirin or Ibuprofen, which usually contain chemicalized ingredients that could potentially create side effects on something else after long, consistent use, I believe that holistic health is the way to go. Early medicine was based on the plants and herbs that the ground has already sprouted and is commonly forgotten by the easy over-the-counter medicines many websites and doctors recommend.
Many herbs contain varying properties that can be used to treat a variety of ailments. Specifically, there are many herbs that ease or reduce headaches and their accompanied throbbing, tension, or pain.
For me, I have just dealt with headaches in the past- thinking mind over matter. A few times they became too intense, so I decided to do some research. I found a few that really have helped me in the past and a few that I am going to try next time I feel some extra tension around my head.
A well-fed head is vital to maintain your optimal state! I hope you have some luck with these findings of mine!
1) Drink Water or Coconut Water
- I know, sounds obvious... but avoid coffee, alcohol, and sugary drinks because they're dehydrating
- Coconut water has more hydrating properties that our cells respond to than water
2) Cayenne Pepper
- Treats pain and inflammation
- Has a property called Capsilicin, which deletes body's pain elements (Substance P)
3) Almonds
- relieves tension-type headaches
- Contains Salicin which is a pain reliever
4) Feverfew
- for migraines: because that's when blood vessels are changing, pressing, and expanding nerves. Feverfew relaxes tension and constricted blood vessels
- Contains Parthenolide, which reduces pain and inflammation
5) Apple Cider Vinegar
- pain relief: very versatile, can be used for many ailments
-ingest or use 1/4 cup in boiling water & inhale steam
6) Ginger
- relieves inflammation
- contains prostaglandins synthesis inducers, which make lipid fats in cells & act as chemical messengers that mediate biological processes in the body
- have in tea, throw in food, or munch on the root raw
7) Peppermint
- soothes
- have in tea or use essential oil on temples & back of neck
8) Butterbur
- headache and inflammation remedy
9) Basil
- muscle relaxant, gets rid of tension in tight muscles
- contains analgesic benefits
- have in tea, use essential oils, or throw in boiling water to inhale steam
10) Cloves
- cooling and pain-relieving properties
- smell fresh cloves in a satchel or bag
11) Lavender
- relieving and calming properties
- have as tea or use essential oils
12) Buckwheat Pillow
- cooling effects
- natural scent for those who get consistent headaches
Best of luck :)
*These findings are sourced from Alternative Cures by Bill Gottleib